Sunday, November 7, 2010

Our October...

Oh how we just LOVE the holiday months! The holiday spirit around the neighborhood, the decorations all over the mall and grocery stores, all the happy smiley is truly the most wonderful time of the year and we love to celebrate in the Pew household! And there's no better way to start off all this holiday cheer than by sticking your hand in a gooey pumpkin and dressing up in costumes!
Here is Kylee and one of her best friends carving our pumpkin this year....
She decided to go with a cat this year. I think it turned out pretty cute!

Kylee begged me to be a witch this year. So I gave in and let her finally be a witch. She has been wanting to be a witch for a couple years now, but I always wanted her to be something unique and different. Well, I gave in and let her be the cutest witch around!
On our way to the Fall Festival at her school. She was super excited!

I'm so proud of my man! He became a police officer almost 2 years ago and at his department banquet a few nights ago, he won Rookie of the Year! It's no surprise to me that he got this award. He impacts everyone's life that he comes in contact with and always leaves a lasting impression. I'm so lucky to have him in my life! Kylee and I are so proud of our "Daddy"!

That was pretty much our "October" in a nutshell! Lots of fun holiday activities and family time. We look forward to spending Thanksgiving in California with David's family and then Christmas here in Arizona with my family. Life sure is good and we feel so blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Stefany, Love your blog and your pictures are awesome! Kylee is such a beautiful little and David must be so proud. Congratulations to David for earning his rookie of the year award. My love to you all and please give my love to Deanna and Jiggs. Love,
